
This module provides the canvas for conformal prediction.

class conformalization.ConformalPredictor(calibrator, predictor, splitter, method='cv+', train=True)

Bases: object

Conformal predictor class.

  • predictor (deel.puncc.api.prediction.BasePredictor | object) – underlying model to be conformalized. The model can directly be passed as argument if it already has fit and predict methods.

  • calibrator (deel.puncc.api.prediction.BaseCalibrator) – nonconformity computation strategy and set predictor.

  • splitter (deel.puncc.api.prediction.BaseSplitter) – fit/calibration split strategy. The splitter can be set to None if the underlying model is pretrained.

  • method (str) – method to handle the ensemble prediction and calibration in case the splitter is a K-fold-like strategy. Defaults to ‘cv+’ to follow cv+ procedure.

  • train (bool) – if False, prediction model(s) will not be (re)trained. Defaults to True.


if a K-Fold-like splitter is provided with the train attribute set to True, an exception is raised. The models have to be trained during the call fit().

Conformal Regression example:

from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from deel.puncc.api.conformalization import ConformalPredictor
from deel.puncc.api.prediction import BasePredictor
from deel.puncc.api.calibration import BaseCalibrator
from deel.puncc.api.splitting import KFoldSplitter
from deel.puncc.api import nonconformity_scores
from deel.puncc.api import prediction_sets

# Generate a random regression problem
X, y = make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=4, n_informative=2,
                        random_state=0, shuffle=False)

# Split data into train and test
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=.2, random_state=0

# Regression linear model
model = linear_model.LinearRegression()

# Definition of a predictor. Note that it is not required to wrap
# the model here because it already implements fit and predict methods
predictor = BasePredictor(model)

# Definition of a calibrator, built for a given nonconformity scores
# and a procedure to build the prediction sets
calibrator = BaseCalibrator(nonconf_score_func=nonconformity_scores.mad,

# Definition of a K-fold splitter that produces
# 20 folds of fit/calibration
kfold_splitter = KFoldSplitter(K=20, random_state=42)

# Conformal predictor requires the three components instantiated
# previously. Our choice of calibrator and splitter yields a cv+ procedure
conformal_predictor = ConformalPredictor(predictor=predictor,

# Fit model and compute nonconformity scores, y_train)

# The lower and upper bounds of the prediction interval are predicted
# by the call to predict on the new data w.r.t a risk level of 10%.
# Besides, there is no aggregate point prediction in cv+ so y_pred is None.
y_pred , y_lower, y_upper = conformal_predictor.predict(X_test, alpha=.1)
fit(X, y, use_cached=False, **kwargs)

Fit the model(s) and estimate the nonconformity scores.

If the splitter is an instance of deel.puncc.splitting.KFoldSplitter, the fit operates on each fold separately. Thereafter, the predictions and nonconformity scores are combined accordingly to an aggregation method (cv+ by default).

  • X (Iterable) – features.

  • y (Iterable) – labels.

  • use_cached (bool) – if set, enables to add the previously computed nonconformity scores (if any) to the pool estimated in the current call to fit. The aggregation follows the CV+ procedure.

  • kwargs (dict) – options configuration for the training.


RuntimeError – inconsistencies between the train status of the model(s) and the train class attribute.

Return type:



Getter for computed nonconformity scores on the calibration(s) set(s).


dictionary of nonconformity scores indexed by the fold index.

Return type:



RuntimeErrorfit() needs to be called before get_nonconformity_scores().


Getter for weights associated to calibration samples.


dictionary of weights indexed by the fold index.

Return type:



RuntimeErrorfit() needs to be called before get_weights().

static load(path)

Load conformal predictor from a file.


path (str) – file path.


loaded conformal predictor instance.

Return type:


predict(X, alpha, correction_func=<function bonferroni>)

Predict point, and interval estimates for X data.

  • X (Iterable) – features.

  • alpha (float) – significance level (max miscoverage target).

  • correction_func (Callable) – correction for multiple hypothesis testing in the case of multivariate regression. Defaults to Bonferroni correction.


(y_pred, y_lower, y_higher) or (y_pred, pred_set).

Return type:

Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]


Serialize current conformal predictor and write it into file.


path (str) – file path.

class conformalization.CrossValCpAggregator(K, method='cv+')

Bases: object

This class enables to aggregate predictions and calibrations from different K-folds.

  • K (int) – number of folds

  • _predictors (dict) – collection of predictors fitted on the K-folds

  • _calibrators (dict) – collection of calibrators fitted on the K-folds

  • method (str) – method to handle the ensemble prediction and calibration, defaults to ‘cv+’.

append_calibrator(key, calibrator)

Add calibrator in kfold calibrators dictionnary.

  • key (int) – key of the calibrator.

  • predictor (BaseCalibrator) – calibrator to be appended.

append_predictor(key, predictor)

Add predictor in kfold predictors dictionnary.


Get a dictionnary of residuals computed on the K-folds.


dictionary of residual indexed by the K-fold number.

Return type:



Get a dictionnary of normalized weights computed on the K-folds.


dictionary of normalized weights indexed by the K-fold number.

Return type:


predict(X, alpha, correction_func=<function bonferroni>)

Predict point, interval and variability estimates for X data.

  • X (Iterable) – features.

  • alpha (float) – significance level (max miscoverage target).

  • correction_func (Callable) – correction for multiple hypothesis testing in the case of multivariate regression. Defaults to Bonferroni correction.


y_pred, y_lower, y_higher.

Return type:

Union[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]