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operator is one of the main parameters for both attribution methods and metrics. It defines the function \(g\) that we want to explain. E.g.: In the case we have a classifier model the function that we might want to explain is the one that given a target gives us the score of the model for that specific target -- i.e \(model(input)[target]\).


The operator parameter is a feature avaible for version > \(1.\). The operator default values are the ones used before the introduction of this new feature!


The operator parameter was introduced to offer users a flexible way to adapt current attribution methods or metrics. It should help them to empirically tackle new use-cases/new tasks. Broadly speaking, it should amplify the user's ability to experiment. However, this also imply that it is the user responsability to make sure that its derivations are in-scope of the original method and make sense.

Operators' Signature

An operator is a function \(g\) that we want to explain. This function take as input \(3\) parameters:

  • model, the model under investigation
  • inputs: One of the following: a (in which case you should not provide targets), a tf.Tensor or a np.ndarray
  • targets: One of the following: a tf.Tensor or a np.ndarray


More specification concerning model or inputs can be found in the model's documentation. More information on targets can be found here or also in the model's documentation

This function \(g\) should return a vector of scalar value of size \((N,)\) where \(N\) is the number of input in inputs -- i.e a scalar score per input.

How is the operator used in Xplique ?

Black-box attribution methods

For attribution approaches that do not require gradient computation we mostly need to query the model. Thus, those methods need an inference function. If you provide an operator, it will be the inference function.

More concretely, for this kind of approach you want to compare some valued function for an original input and perturbed version of it:

original_scores = operator(model, original_inputs, original_targets)

# depending on the attribution method this `perturbation_function` is different
perturbed_inputs, perturbed_targets = perturbation_function(original_inputs, original_targets)
perturbed_scores = operator(model, perturbed_inputs, perturbed_targets)

# exemple of comparison of interest
diff_scores = math.sqrt((original_scores - perturbed_scores)**2)

White-box attribution methods

Those methods usually require some gradients computation. The gradients that will be used are the one of the operator function (see the get_gradient_of_operator method in the Providing custom operator section).

Default Behavior

A lot of attribution methods are initially intended for classification tasks. Thus, the default operator predictions_operator assume such a setting

def predictions_operator(model: Callable,
                         inputs: tf.Tensor,
                         targets: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
    Compute predictions scores, only for the label class, for a batch of samples.

        Model used for computing predictions.
        Input samples to be explained.
        One-hot encoded labels, one for each sample.

        Predictions scores computed, only for the label class.
    scores = tf.reduce_sum(model(inputs) * targets, axis=-1)
    return scores

That is a setting where the variable model(inputs) is a vector of size \((N, C)\) where: \(N\) is the number of input and \(C\) is the number of class.


Explaining the logits is to explain the class, while explaining the softmax is to explain why this class is more likely. Thus, it is recommended to explain the logit and exclude the softmax layer if any.

Existing operators and how to use them

At present, there are at present 2 operators available (and 2 others should be released soon) in the library that tackle different tasks.


Classification Tasks


In general, if you are doing classification tasks it is better to not include the final softmax layer in your model but to work with logits instead!

For classification tasks, it is expected for the user to use the predictions_operator when initializing an explainer:

def predictions_operator(model: Callable,
                         inputs: tf.Tensor,
                         targets: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
    Compute predictions scores, only for the label class, for a batch of samples.

        Model used for computing predictions.
        Input samples to be explained.
        One-hot encoded labels or regression target (e.g {+1, -1}), one for each sample.

        Predictions scores computed, only for the label class.
    scores = tf.reduce_sum(model(inputs) * targets, axis=-1)
    return scores
  • model(inputs) Consequently, we expect model(inputs) to yield a \((N, C)\) tensor or array where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(C\) is the number of classes.

  • targets If you use the default operator for classification task we expect targets to be a \((N, C)\) tensor or array which is a one-hot encoding of the class you want to explain where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(C\) is the number of classes.

Regression Tasks

If the task at end is regression, then the user should instantiate the explainer with the regression_operator:

def regression_operator(model: Callable,
                        inputs: tf.Tensor,
                        targets: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
    Compute the the mean absolute error between model prediction and the target.
    Target should the model prediction on non-perturbed input.
    This operator can be used to compute attributions for all outputs of a regression model.

        Model used for computing predictions.
        Input samples to be explained.
        Model prediction on non-perturbed inputs.

        MAE between model prediction and targets.
    scores = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(model(inputs) - targets), axis=-1)
    return scores
  • model(inputs): Consequently, we expect model(inputs) to yield a \((N, D)\) tensor or array where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(D\) is the number of variables the model should predict (possibly one).

  • targets: If you are using the regression_operator, it is expected that targets to be a \((N, D)\) tensor or array of the expected multi-variate output where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(D\) is the number of variables (possibly one).

Object-Detection Tasks

Work In Progress

Segmentation Tasks

Work In Progress

How to use them with an explainer ?

You can build attribution methods with those operator in three ways:

  • Explicitly importing them
from xplique.attributions import Saliency
from xplique.commons.operators import regression_operator

explainer = Saliency(model, operator=regression_operator)
explanations = explainer(inputs, targets)

At present, the available operators are: predictions_operator and regression_operator

  • Use their name
from xplique.attributions import Saliency

explainer = Saliency(model, operator='regression')
explanations = explainer(inputs, targets)

At present you can select a name in ["classification", "regression"]

  • Use the Tasks enumeration
from xplique.commons import Tasks
from xplique.attributions import Saliency

explainer = Saliency(model, operator=Tasks.REGRESSION)
explanations = explainer(inputs, targets)

At present the Tasks enum has two members: CLASSIFICATION and REGRESSION

Providing custom operator

If you provide a custom operator you should be aware that:

  • An assertion will be made to ensure it respects the signature describe in the previous section
  • If you use any white-box explainer your operator will go through the get_gradient_of_operator function
def get_gradient_of_operator(operator):
    Get the gradient of an operator.

        Operator to compute the gradient of.

        Gradient of the operator.
    def gradient(model, inputs, targets):
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            scores = operator(model, inputs, targets)

        return tape.gradient(scores, inputs)

    return gradient


Writing your operator with only tensorflow functions should increase your chance that this method does not yield any errors. In addition, providing a @tf.function decorator is also welcomed!


The targets parameter is the key to specifying what to explain and differs greatly depending on the operator.