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Model expectations: What should be the model provided ?

Even though we tried to cover a wide-range of models for the XAI methods to work we based our frameworks on some assumptions which we propose to see here.

The inputs have expected shape

As a reminder any attribution methods are instanciated with at least three parameters:

  • model: the model from which we want to obtain attributions (e.g: InceptionV3, ResNet, ...)
  • batch_size: an integer which allows to either process inputs per batch (gradient-based methods) or process perturbed samples of an input per batch (inputs are therefore process one by one)
  • operator: function g to explain, see the Operator documentation for more details

And an explainer is called with the explain method that takes as parameters:

  • inputs: One of the following: a (in which case you should not provide targets), a tf.Tensor or a np.ndarray

  • targets: One of the following: a tf.Tensor or a np.ndarray


targets' format is defined depending on the task you are doing. See the Tasks section.


In practice, we expect the model to be callable for the inputs parameters -- i.e. we can do model(inputs). We expect this call to produce the outputs variables that is the predictions of the model on those inputs. As for most attribution methods we need to manipulate and/or link the outputs to the inputs we assume that the latter have conventional shape described in the sections below.

Inputs Format

Images data

If inputs are images, the expected shape of inputs is \((N, H, W, C)\) following the TF's conventions where:

  • \(N\) is the number of inputs
  • \(H\) is the height of the images
  • \(W\) is the width of the images
  • \(C\) is the number of channels (works for \(C=3\) or \(C=1\), other values might not work or need further customization)

In the case where inputs is a with images, then we expect each sample of the dataset to be a tuple (image, target) with image having \((H, W, C)\) shape and target being defined as explained in the Tasks section


If your model is not following the same conventions it might lead to poor results or yield errors.

Tabular data

If inputs are tabular data, the expected shape of inputs is \((N, W)\) where:

  • \(N\) is the number of inputs
  • \(W\) is the feature dimension of a single input

In the case where inputs is a with tabular data, then we expect each sample of the dataset to be a tuple (features, target) with features having \(W\) shape and target being a one-hot encoding of the output you want an explanation of.


All attribution methods does not work well with tabular data.


Please refer to the table to see which methods might work with Tabular Data

Time-Series data

If inputs are Time Series, the expected shape of inputs is \((N, T, W)\)

  • \(N\) is the number of inputs
  • \(T\) is the temporal dimension of a single input
  • \(W\) is the feature dimension of a single input


By default Lime & KernelShap will treat such inputs as grey images. You will need to define a custom map_to_interpret_space function when instantiating those methods in order to create a meaningful mapping of Time-Series data into an interpretable space when building such explainers. Such an example is provided at the end of the Lime's documentation.


Classification Tasks


In general, if you are doing classification tasks it is better to not include the final softmax layer in your model but to work with logits instead!

For classification tasks, it is expected for the user to use the predictions_operator (see the Operator documentation) when initializing an explainer:

def predictions_operator(model: Callable,
                         inputs: tf.Tensor,
                         targets: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
    Compute predictions scores, only for the label class, for a batch of samples.

        Model used for computing predictions.
        Input samples to be explained.
        One-hot encoded labels or regression target (e.g {+1, -1}), one for each sample.

        Predictions scores computed, only for the label class.
    scores = tf.reduce_sum(model(inputs) * targets, axis=-1)
    return scores


Consequently, we expect model(inputs) to yield a \((N, C)\) tensor or array where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(C\) is the number of classes.


If you use the default operator for classification task we expect targets to be a \((N, C)\) tensor or array which is a one-hot encoding of the class you want to explain where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(C\) is the number of classes.

Regression Tasks

If the task at end is regression, then the user should instantiate the explainer with the regression_operator (see the Operator documentation):

def regression_operator(model: Callable,
                        inputs: tf.Tensor,
                        targets: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
    Compute the the mean absolute error between model prediction and the target.
    Target should the model prediction on non-perturbed input.
    This operator can be used to compute attributions for all outputs of a regression model.

        Model used for computing predictions.
        Input samples to be explained.
        Model prediction on non-perturbed inputs.

        MAE between model prediction and targets.
    scores = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(model(inputs) - targets), axis=-1)
    return scores


Consequently, we expect model(inputs) to yield a \((N, D)\) tensor or array where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(D\) is the number of variables the model should predict (possibly one).


If you are using the regression_operator, it is expected that targets to be a \((N, D)\) tensor or array of the expected multi-variate output where \(N\) is the number of input samples and \(D\) is the number of variables (possibly one).

Object-Detection Tasks

Work In Progress

Segmentation Tasks

Work In Progress

What if my inputs and/or targets and/or my model does not follow the previous assumptions ?


In any case, when you are out of the scope of the original API, you should take a deep look at the source code to be sure that your Use Case will make sense.

My inputs follow a different shape convention

In the case where you want to handle images or time series data that does not follow the previous conventions, it is recommended to reshape the data to the expected shape for the explainers (attribution methods) to handle them correctly. Then, you can simply define a wrapper of your model so that data is reshape to your model convenience when it is called.

For example, if you have a model that classifies images but want the images to be channel-first (i.e. with \((N, C, H, W)\) shape) then you should:

  • Move the axis so inputs are \((N, H, W, C)\) for the explainers
  • Write the following wrapper for your model:
class ModelWrapper(tf.keras.models.Model):
    def __init__(self, nchw_model):
        super(ModelWrapper, self).__init__()
        self.model = nchw_model

    def __call__(self, nhwc_inputs):
        # transform the NHWC inputs (wanted for the explainers) back to NCHW inputs
        nchw_inputs = self._transform_inputs(nhwc_inputs)
        # make predictions
        outputs = self.nchw_model(nchw_inputs)

        return outputs

    def _transform_inputs(self, nhwc_inputs):
        # include in this function all transformation
        # needed for your model to work with NHWC inputs
        # , here for example we moveaxis from channels last
        # to channels first
        nchw_inputs = np.moveaxis(nhwc_inputs, [3, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])

        return nchw_inputs

wrapped_model = ModelWrapper(model)
explainer = Saliency(wrapped_model)
# images should be (N, H, W, C) for the explain call
explanations = explainer.explain(images, labels)

My inputs are a dictionnary (ex: Attention Model)

Work In Progress

My model is neither for classification nor regression tasks

Then you could define your own operator! (see the Operator documentation)

I have a PyTorch model

Then you should definetely have a look on the dedicated documentation!

I have a model that is neither a tf.keras.Model nor a torch.nn.Module

Then you should take a look on the Callable documentation or you could take inspiration on the PyTorch Wrapper to write a wrapper that will integrate your model into our API!