Sobol Attribution Method¶
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The Sobol attribution method from Fel, Cadène & al.1 is an attribution method grounded in Sensitivity Analysis. Beyond modeling the individual contributions of image regions, Sobol indices provide an efficient way to capture higher-order interactions between image regions and their contributions to a neural network’s prediction through the lens of variance.
The total Sobol index \(ST_i\) which measures the contribution of the variable \(X_i\) as well as its interactions of any order with any other input variables to the model output variance.
-- Look at the Variance! Efficient Black-box Explanations with Sobol-based Sensitivity Analysis (2021)1
More precisely, the attribution score \(\phi_i\) for an input variable \(x_i\), is defined as
Where \(\mathbb{E}_{X \sim i}(Var_{X_i}(f(x) | X_{\sim i}))\) is the expected variance that would be left if all variables but \(X_{\sim i}\) were to be fixed.
In order to generate stochasticity(\(X_i\)), a perturbation function is used and uses perturbation masks to modulate the generated perturbation. The perturbation functions available are inpainting that modulates pixel regions to a baseline state, amplitude and blurring.
The calculation of the indices also requires an estimator -- in practice this parameter does not
change the results much -- JansenEstimator
being recommended.
Finally the exploration of the manifold exploration is made using a sampling method, several samplers are proposed: Quasi-Monte
Carlo (ScipySobolSequence
, recommended) using Scipy's sobol sequence, Latin hypercubes
-- LHSAmpler
-- or Halton's sequences HaltonSequence
For quick a faithful explanations, we recommend to use grid_size
in \([7, 12)\),
in \(\{16, 32, 64\}\) (more is useless), and a QMC sampler.
(see SobolAttributionMethod
documentation below for detail on those parameters).
from xplique.attributions import SobolAttributionMethod
from xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis import (
JansenEstimator, GlenEstimator,
LHSampler, ScipySobolSequence,
# load images, labels and model
# ...
# default explainer (recommended)
explainer = SobolAttributionMethod(model, grid_size=8, nb_design=32)
explanations = method(images, labels) # one-hot encoded labels
If you want to change the estimator or the sampling:
from xplique.attributions import SobolAttributionMethod
from xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis import (
JansenEstimator, GlenEstimator,
LHSampler, ScipySobolSequence,
# load images, labels and model
# ...
explainer_lhs = SobolAttributionMethod(model, grid_size=8, nb_design=32,
explanations_lhs = explainer_lhs(images, labels)
Sobol' Attribution Method.
Compute the total order Sobol' indices using a perturbation function on a grid and an
adapted sampling as described in the original paper.
grid_size: int = 8,
nb_design: int = 32,
sampler: Optional[xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis.replicated_designs.ReplicatedSampler] = None,
estimator: Optional[xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis.sobol_estimators.SobolEstimator] = None,
perturbation_function: Union[Callable, str, None] = 'inpainting',
operator: Union[xplique.commons.operators_operations.Tasks, str,
Callable[[, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor], float], None] = None)
grid_size: int = 8,
nb_design: int = 32,
sampler: Optional[xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis.replicated_designs.ReplicatedSampler] = None,
estimator: Optional[xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis.sobol_estimators.SobolEstimator] = None,
perturbation_function: Union[Callable, str, None] = 'inpainting',
operator: Union[xplique.commons.operators_operations.Tasks, str,
Callable[[, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor], float], None] = None)
model : model
Model used for computing explanations.
grid_size : int = 8
Cut the image in a grid of (grid_size, grid_size) to estimate an indice per cell.
nb_design : int = 32
Must be a power of two. Number of design, the number of forward will be: nb_design * (grid_size**2 + 2). Generally not above 32.
sampler : Optional[xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis.replicated_designs.ReplicatedSampler] = None
Sampler used to generate the (quasi-)monte carlo samples, QMC (sobol sequence recommended). For more option, see the sampler module.
estimator : Optional[xplique.attributions.global_sensitivity_analysis.sobol_estimators.SobolEstimator] = None
Estimator used to compute the total order sobol' indices, Jansen recommended. For more option, see the estimator module.
perturbation_function : Union[Callable, str, None] = 'inpainting'
Function to call to apply the perturbation on the input. Can also be string: 'inpainting', 'blurring', or 'amplitude'.
batch_size : batch_size=256
Batch size to use for the forwards.
operator : Union[xplique.commons.operators_operations.Tasks, str, Callable[[, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor], float], None] = None
Function g to explain, g take 3 parameters (f, x, y) and should return a scalar, with f the model, x the inputs and y the targets. If None, use the standard operator g(f, x, y) = f(x)[y].
inputs: Union[tf.Dataset, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, numpy.ndarray],
targets: Union[tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, None] = None) -> tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor
inputs: Union[tf.Dataset, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, numpy.ndarray],
targets: Union[tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, None] = None) -> tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor
Compute the total Sobol' indices according to the explainer parameter (perturbation
function, grid size...). Accept Tensor, numpy array or (in that case
targets is None).
inputs : Union[tf.Dataset, tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, numpy.ndarray]
Images to be explained, either tf.dataset, Tensor or numpy array.
If Dataset, targets should not be provided (included in Dataset).
Expected shape (N, W, H, C) or (N, W, H).
targets : Union[tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, None] = None
One-hot encoding for classification or direction {-1, +1} for regression.
Tensor or numpy array.
Expected shape (N, C) or (N).
attributions_maps : tensorflow.python.framework.tensor.Tensor
GSA Attribution Method explanations, same shape as the inputs except for the channels.