ReAct method¶
This notebook aims at evaluating the ReAct method.
ReAct method basically consists in re-using existing logit-based OOD methods, but with penultimate layer activations clipped to a certain threshold value. In practice, this threshold is set based on the $p$-th percentile of penultimate activations estimated on the ID data.
Here, we focus on a toy convolutional network trained on MNIST[0-4] challenged on MNIST[5-9].
React: Out-of-distribution detection with rectified activations.
Sun, Yiyou, Chuan Guo, and Yixuan Li.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (2021)
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import warnings
import os
os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2"
from IPython.display import clear_output
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch
from oodeel.methods import MLS, Energy, Entropy, ODIN
from oodeel.eval.metrics import bench_metrics
from oodeel.eval.plots import plot_ood_scores, plot_roc_curve, plot_2D_features
from oodeel.datasets import OODDataset
from oodeel.utils.torch_training_tools import train_torch_model
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
Note that models are saved at ~/.oodeel/saved_models and data is supposed to be found at ~/.oodeel/datasets by default. Change the following cell for a custom path.
model_path = os.path.expanduser("~/") + ".oodeel/saved_models"
data_path = os.path.expanduser("~/") + ".oodeel/datasets"
os.makedirs(model_path, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(data_path, exist_ok=True)
MNIST[0-4] vs MNIST[5-9]¶
We train a toy convolutional network on the MNIST dataset restricted to digits 0 to 4. After fitting the train subset of this dataset to different OOD methods with react option enabled, we will compare the scores returned for MNIST[0-4] (in-distrubtion) and MNIST[5-9] (out-of-distribution) test subsets.
Data loading¶
- In-distribution data: MNIST[0-4]
- Out-of-distribution data: MNIST[5-9]
Note: We denote In-Distribution (ID) data with
and Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) data
with _out
to avoid confusion with OOD detection which is the name of the task, and is
therefore used to denote core classes such as OODDataset
and OODBaseDetector
# === load ID and OOD data ===
batch_size = 128
in_labels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
# 1- load train/test MNIST dataset
mnist_train = OODDataset(
dataset_id='MNIST', backend="torch",
load_kwargs={"root": data_path, "train": True, "download": True}
mnist_test = OODDataset(
dataset_id='MNIST', backend="torch",
load_kwargs={"root": data_path, "train": False, "download": True}
# 2- split ID / OOD data depending on label value:
# in-distribution: MNIST[0-4] / out-of-distribution: MNIST[5-9]
oods_fit, _ = mnist_train.split_by_class(in_labels=in_labels)
oods_in, oods_out = mnist_test.split_by_class(in_labels=in_labels)
# 3- prepare data (preprocess, shuffle, batch) => torch dataloaders
def preprocess_fn(*inputs):
"""Simple preprocessing to normalize images in [0, 1].
x = inputs[0] / 255.0
return tuple([x] + list(inputs[1:]))
ds_fit = oods_fit.prepare(
batch_size=batch_size, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn, shuffle=True
ds_in = oods_in.prepare(
batch_size=batch_size, with_ood_labels=False, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn
ds_out = oods_out.prepare(
batch_size=batch_size, with_ood_labels=False, preprocess_fn=preprocess_fn
Model training¶
Now let's train a simple model on MNIST[0-4] using train_torch_model
# === Train / Load model ===
# model path
model_path_mnist_04 = os.path.join(model_path, "mnist_model_0-4")
# if the model exists, load it
model = torch.load(os.path.join(model_path_mnist_04, "")).to(device)
except OSError:
# else, train a new model
train_config = {
"model": "toy_convnet",
"num_classes": 10,
"epochs": 5,
"save_dir": model_path_mnist_04,
"validation_data": ds_in
model = train_torch_model(ds_fit, **train_config).to(device)
# evaluate model
labels, preds = [], []
for (x, y) in ds_in:
x =
preds.append(torch.argmax(model(x), dim=-1).detach().cpu())
print(f"Test accuracy:\t{accuracy_score(,}")
# penultimate features 2d visualization
print("\n=== Penultimate features viz ===")
plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3))
Test accuracy: 0.997665 === Penultimate features viz ===
ReAct scores¶
We now fit some OOD detectors using ReAct + [MLS, MSP, Energy, Entropy, ODIN] with MNIST[0-4] train dataset, and compare OOD scores returned for MNIST[0-4] (ID) and MNIST[5-9] (OOD) test datasets.
detectors = {
"odin": {
"class": ODIN,
"kwargs": dict(temperature=1000),
"mls": {
"class": MLS,
"kwargs": dict(),
"msp": {
"class": MLS,
"kwargs": dict(output_activation="softmax"),
"energy": {
"class": Energy,
"kwargs": dict(),
"entropy": {
"class": Entropy,
"kwargs": dict(),
for d in detectors.keys():
print(f"=== {d.upper()} ===")
for use_react in [False, True]:
print(["~ Without", "~ With"][int(use_react)] + " react ~")
# === ood scores ===
d_kwargs = detectors[d]["kwargs"]
detector = detectors[d]["class"](**d_kwargs), fit_dataset=ds_fit)
scores_in, _ = detector.score(ds_in)
scores_out, _ = detector.score(ds_out)
# === metrics ===
# auroc / fpr95
metrics = bench_metrics(
(scores_in, scores_out),
metrics=["auroc", "fpr95tpr"],
for k, v in metrics.items():
print(f"{k:<10} {v:.6f}")
log_scale = d in ["msp", "entropy"]
# hists / roc
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3))
if d == "msp":
# Normalize scores for a better hist visualization
minim = np.min([np.min(scores_in), np.min(scores_out)])
scores_in_ = scores_in - 2 * minim + np.min(scores_in[np.where(scores_in != minim)])
scores_out_ = scores_out - 2 * minim + np.min(scores_in[np.where(scores_in != minim)])
plot_ood_scores(scores_in_, scores_out_, log_scale=log_scale)
plot_ood_scores(scores_in, scores_out, log_scale=log_scale)
plot_roc_curve(scores_in, scores_out)
=== ODIN === ~ Without react ~ auroc 0.815820 fpr95tpr 0.584939
~ With react ~ auroc 0.850621 fpr95tpr 0.458066
=== MLS === ~ Without react ~ auroc 0.934931 fpr95tpr 0.395018
~ With react ~ auroc 0.963472 fpr95tpr 0.171629
=== MSP === ~ Without react ~ auroc 0.937643 fpr95tpr 0.455925
~ With react ~ auroc 0.958121 fpr95tpr 0.182137
=== ENERGY === ~ Without react ~ auroc 0.933363 fpr95tpr 0.395213
~ With react ~ auroc 0.960470 fpr95tpr 0.174742
=== ENTROPY === ~ Without react ~ auroc 0.938045 fpr95tpr 0.457287
~ With react ~ auroc 0.960350 fpr95tpr 0.180191