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Weights boundary

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For a completely different notion of influence or importance of data-points, we propose to measure the budget (measured through an \(\el^2\) metric) needed to minimally perturb the model's weights such that the data-point under study gets misclassified. Ideally, it would make sense for more influential images to need a smaller budget (i.e. a smaller change on the model) to make the model change its prediction on them.

In particular, we define the influence score as follows:

$$ \mathcal{I}{WB} (z) = - \lVert w - w \rVert^2 \, , $$ where \(w\) is the model's weights and \(w_{adv}\) is the perturbed model with the lowest possible budget and obtained through an adaptation of the DeepFool method.

This technique is based on a simple idea we had, and as such, there's no paper associated to it. We decided to include it because it seems that its performance is less dependent on the choice of model and training schedule and still obtains acceptable results on our mislabeled point detection benchmark.



A class implementing an influence score based on the distance of a sample to the boundary of its classifier. The distance to the boundary is estimated by deforming the boundary of the model to move a given sample to the closest adversarial class. To compute this distance, the deep fool method is used on the weights of the model (deep fool originally compute the distance on the sample space). []

         step_nbr: int = 100,
         norm_type: int = 2,
         eps: float = 1e-06)


  • model :

    • A TF2 model that has already been trained

  • step_nbr : int = 100

    • Number of the iterations to find the closest adversarial problem

  • norm_type : int = 2

    • The distance norm used to compute the distance to the boundary

  • eps : float = 1e-06

    • Difference between two logits to assume that the logits have the same values

                         train_set: tf.Dataset,
                         device: Optional[str] = None) -> tf.Dataset

Compute the influence score for each sample of the provided (full or partial) model's training dataset.


  • train_set : tf.Dataset

    • A TF dataset with the (full or partial) model's training dataset.

  • device : Optional[str] = None

    • Device where the computation will be executed


  • train_set : tf.Dataset

    • A dataset containing the tuple: (batch of training samples, influence score)

                                    train_set: tf.Dataset,
                                    k: int,
                                    order: deel.influenciae.utils.sorted_dict.ORDER = ) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]

Compute the k most influential data-points of the model's training dataset by computing Cook's distance for each point individually.


  • train_set : tf.Dataset

    • A TF dataset containing the points on which the model was trained.

  • k : int

    • An integer with the number of most important samples we wish to keep

  • order : 2>

    • Either ORDER.DESCENDING or ORDER.ASCENDING depending on if we wish to find the top-k or bottom-k samples, respectively.


  • training_samples, influences_values : Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]

    • A tuple of tensor.

      - training_samples: A tensor containing the k most influential samples of the training dataset for the model provided.

      - influences_values: The influence score corresponding to these k most influential samples.