Welcome to deel-torchlip
Controlling the Lipschitz constant of a layer or a whole neural network has many applications ranging from adversarial robustness to Wasserstein distance estimation.
This library provides implementation of k-Lispchitz layers for PyTorch.
Content of the library¶
k-Lipschitz variant of PyTorch layers such as
, …activation functions compatible with
,initializers for
,loss functions to work with Wasserstein distance estimations.
You can install deel-torchlip
directly from pypi:
pip install deel-torchlip
In order to use deel-torchlip
, you also need a valid pytorch installation.
supports torch 1.7.0+.
Cite this work¶
This library is the PyTorch equivalent ofdeel-lip
a Tensorflow library built to support the work presented in
Achieving robustness in classification using optimal transport with Hinge regularization.
This work can be cited as:@misc{2006.06520,
Author = {
Mathieu Serrurier
and Franck Mamalet
and Alberto González-Sanz
and Thibaut Boissin
and Jean-Michel Loubes
and Eustasio del Barrio
Title = {
Achieving robustness in classification using optimal transport with hinge regularization
Year = {2020},
Eprint = {arXiv:2006.06520},