Demo 4: HKR Multiclass and fooling
Demo 4: HKR multiclass and fooling¶
This notebook will show how to train a lispchitz network in a multiclass setup. The HKR is extended to multiclass using a one-vs all setup. It will go through the process of designing and training the network. It will also show how to create robustness certificates from the output of the network. Finally these certificates will be checked by attacking the network.
First, we install the required libraries. Foolbox
will allow to perform adversarial attacks on the trained network.
# pip install deel-lip foolbox -qqq
from deel.lip.layers import (
from deel.lip.model import Sequential
from deel.lip.activations import GroupSort, FullSort
from deel.lip.losses import MulticlassHKR, MulticlassKR
from deel.lip.callbacks import CondenseCallback
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist, fashion_mnist, cifar10
from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
import numpy as np
For this example, the dataset fashion_mnist
will be used. In order to keep things simple, no data augmentation will be performed.
# load data
(x_train, y_train_ord), (x_test, y_test_ord) = fashion_mnist.load_data()
# standardize and reshape the data
x_train = np.expand_dims(x_train, -1) / 255
x_test = np.expand_dims(x_test, -1) / 255
# one hot encode the labels
y_train = to_categorical(y_train_ord)
y_test = to_categorical(y_test_ord)
Let's build the network.
the architecture¶
The original one vs all setup would require 10 different networks ( 1 per class ), however, in practice we use a network with
a common body and 10 1-lipschitz heads. Experiments have shown that this setup don't affect the network performance. In order to ease the creation of such network, FrobeniusDense
layer has a parameter for this: whenr disjoint_neurons=True
it act as the stacking of 10 single neurons head. Note that, altough each head is a 1-lipschitz function the overall network is not 1-lipschitz (Concatenation is not 1-lipschitz). We will see later how this affects the certficate creation.
the loss¶
The multiclass loss can be found in HKR_multiclass_loss
. The loss has two params: alpha
and min_margin
. Decreasing alpha
and increasing min_margin
improve robustness (at the cost of accuracy). note also in the case of lipschitz networks, more robustness require more parameters. For more information see our paper.
In this setup choosing alpha=100
, min_margin=.25
provide a good robustness without hurting the accuracy too much.
Finally the KR_multiclass_loss()
indicate the robustness of the network ( proxy of the average certificate )
# Sequential (resp Model) from deel.model has the same properties as any lipschitz model.
# It act only as a container, with features specific to lipschitz
# functions (condensation, vanilla_exportation...)
model = Sequential(
# Lipschitz layers preserve the API of their superclass ( here Conv2D )
# an optional param is available: k_coef_lip which control the lipschitz
# constant of the layer
kernel_size=(3, 3),
# usual pooling layer are implemented (avg, max...), but new layers are also available
ScaledL2NormPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), data_format="channels_last"),
kernel_size=(3, 3),
ScaledL2NormPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2), data_format="channels_last"),
# our layers are fully interoperable with existing keras layers
y_train.shape[-1], activation=None, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer="orthogonal"
# similary model has a parameter to set the lipschitz constant
# to set automatically the constant of each layer
# HKR (Hinge-Krantorovich-Rubinstein) optimize robustness along with accuracy
# decreasing alpha and increasing min_margin improve robustness (at the cost of accuracy)
# note also in the case of lipschitz networks, more robustness require more parameters.
loss=MulticlassHKR(alpha=100, min_margin=.25),
metrics=["accuracy", MulticlassKR()],
notes about constraint enforcement¶
There are currently 3 way to enforce a constraint in a network: 1. regularization 2. weight reparametrization 3. weight projection
The first one don't provide the required garanties, this is why deel-lip
focuses on the later two. Weight reparametrization is done directly in the layers (parameter niter_bjorck
) this trick allow to perform arbitrary gradient updates without breaking the constraint. However this is done in the graph, increasing ressources consumption. The last method project the weights between each batch, ensuring the constraint at an more affordable computational cost. It can be done in deel-lip
using the CondenseCallback
. The main problem with this method is a reduced efficiency of each update.
As a rule of thumb, when reparametrization is used alone, setting niter_bjorck
to at least 15 is advised. However when combined with weight projection, this setting can be lowered greatly.
# fit the model
validation_data=(x_test, y_test),
model exportation¶
Once training is finished, the model can be optimized for inference by using the vanilla_export()
# once training is finished you can convert
# SpectralDense layers into Dense layers and SpectralConv2D into Conv2D
# which optimize performance for inference
vanilla_model = model.vanilla_export()
certificates generation and adversarial attacks¶
import foolbox as fb
from tensorflow import convert_to_tensor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
# we will test it on 10 samples one of each class
nb_adv = 10
hkr_fmodel = fb.TensorFlowModel(vanilla_model, bounds=(0., 1.), device="/GPU:0")
In order to test the robustness of the model, the first correctly classified element of each class are selected.
# strategy: first
# we select a sample from each class.
images_list = []
labels_list = []
# select only a few element from the test set
selected=np.random.choice(len(y_test_ord), 500)
sub_y_test_ord = y_test_ord[:300]
sub_x_test = x_test[:300]
# drop misclassified elements
misclassified_mask = tf.equal(tf.argmax(vanilla_model.predict(sub_x_test), axis=-1), sub_y_test_ord)
sub_x_test = sub_x_test[misclassified_mask]
sub_y_test_ord = sub_y_test_ord[misclassified_mask]
# now we will build a list with input image for each element of the matrix
for i in range(10):
# select the first element of the ith label
label_mask = [sub_y_test_ord==i]
x = sub_x_test[label_mask][0]
y = sub_y_test_ord[label_mask][0]
# convert it to tensor for use with foolbox
images = convert_to_tensor(x.astype("float32"), dtype="float32")
labels = convert_to_tensor(y, dtype="int64")
# repeat the input 10 times, one per misclassification target
images = convert_to_tensor(images_list)
labels = convert_to_tensor(labels_list)
In order to build a certficate, we take for each sample the top 2 output and apply this formula: $$ \epsilon \geq \frac{\text{top}_1 - \text{top}_2}{2} $$ Where epsilon is the robustness radius for the considered sample.
values, classes = tf.math.top_k(hkr_fmodel(images), k=2)
certificates = (values[:, 0] - values[:, 1]) / 2
now we will attack the model to check if the certificates are respected. In this setup L2CarliniWagnerAttack
is used but in practice as these kind of networks are gradient norm preserving, other attacks gives very similar results.
attack = fb.attacks.L2CarliniWagnerAttack(binary_search_steps=6, steps=8000)
imgs, advs, success = attack(hkr_fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=None)
dist_to_adv = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(images - advs), axis=(1,2,3)))
As we can see the certificate are respected.
tf.assert_less(certificates, dist_to_adv)
Finally we can take a visual look at the obtained examples. We first start with utility functions for display.
class_mapping = {
0: "T-shirt/top",
1: "Trouser",
2: "Pullover",
3: "Dress",
4: "Coat",
5: "Sandal",
6: "Shirt",
7: "Sneaker",
8: "Bag",
9: "Ankle boot",
def adversarial_viz(model, images, advs, class_mapping):
This functions shows for each sample:
- the original image
- the adversarial image
- the difference map
- the certificate and the observed distance to adversarial
scale = 1.5
nb_imgs = images.shape[0]
# compute certificates
values, classes = tf.math.top_k(model(images), k=2)
certificates = (values[:, 0] - values[:, 1]) / 2
# compute difference distance to adversarial
dist_to_adv = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(images - advs), axis=(1,2,3)))
# find classes labels for imgs and advs
orig_classes = [class_mapping[i] for i in tf.argmax(model(images), axis=-1).numpy()]
advs_classes = [class_mapping[i] for i in tf.argmax(model(advs), axis=-1).numpy()]
# compute differences maps
if images.shape[-1] != 3:
diff_pos = np.clip(advs - images, 0, 1.)
diff_neg = np.clip(images - advs, 0, 1.)
diff_map = np.concatenate([diff_neg, diff_pos, np.zeros_like(diff_neg)], axis=-1)
diff_map = np.abs(advs - images)
# expands image to be displayed
if images.shape[-1] != 3:
images = np.repeat(images, 3, -1)
if advs.shape[-1] != 3:
advs = np.repeat(advs, 3, -1)
# create plot
figsize = (3 * scale, nb_imgs * scale)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
for i in range(nb_imgs):
ax = axes[i][0]
ax = axes[i][1]
ax = axes[i][2]
ax.set_title(f"certif: {certificates[i]:.2f}, obs: {dist_to_adv[i]:.2f}")
When looking at the adversarial examples we can see that the network has interresting properties:
by looking at the certificates, we can predict if the adversarial example will be close of not
disparity among classes¶
As we can see, the attacks are very efficent on similar classes (eg. T-shirt/top, and Shirt ). This denote that all classes are not made equal regarding robustness.
The network is more explainable: attacks can be used as counterfactuals. We can tell that removing the inscription on a T-shirt turns it into a shirt makes sense. Non robust examples reveals that the network rely on textures rather on shapes to make it's decision.
adversarial_viz(hkr_fmodel, images, advs, class_mapping)